Marka ResearchMystery Shopping and Mystery Client

Mystery Shopping and Mystery Client:WHAT THEY ARE AND HOW THEY WORK

Marka Research offers Mystery Shopping and Mystery Client analysis services.

Mystery Shopping is a market research technique that allows to detect information anonymously and assess the quality and efficiency of services and products offered by an organisation or a company to its customers. Its main objective is to present insights to help companies improve customer satisfaction and performance. It is a broadly used methodology by companies, both public and private, with branch offices or franchisees since it is a simple way to verify the proper functioning of each location.

The Mystery Shopping activity is carried out by professionals who impersonate a potential customer, hence Mystery Client.

The Mystery Shopping technique is based on the simulation of the behaviour of an actual customer: Mystery Clients will visit the company or organisation under investigation undercover.

They will personally observe the service offered and verify that the benchmarks, rules, and values are met.

Mystery Clients conduct field investigations while replicating the behaviours of real buyers to evaluate every aspect of the consumer experience.

This strategic technique has been gaining in popularity over the last decade, years in which the concept of customer satisfaction has become increasingly important.


Mystery Shopping and Mystery Client: GOALS

Mystery shopping activities allow to:

  • Evaluate the quality of services and products offered
  • Evaluate the conformity of the setting
  • Verify the respect of fiscal provisions
  • Verify that there is no unfair competition

The main goal of the Mystery Shopping research method is to improve every aspect of the customer experience and increase the awareness of employees and managers, identifying training needs, sales opportunities and weaknesses on which it is necessary to intervene.

Who is theMystery Client

The Mystery Client is a highly specialised figure who provides extremely important insights to companies. At Marka Research, we invest a lot of time training and preparing its employees for this role always to guarantee the best possible results.

The Mystery Clients’ job is to visit the location subject to control and behave like any other customer to observe with a keen eye what the company’s staff does and how it acts around actual customers. They also evaluate the quality of services and products offered. 

To maintain the shopping experience uniqueness, the survey can be carried out only once. For this reason, Mystery Clients must adopt well-studied methodologies and techniques to collect quality information. The Mystery Clients’ activities can include both in-store surveys and telephone or web-based surveys, depending on the needs of the study.